#state of intrest
state.interest= "California"
newCases<- covid %>%
filter(state== state.interest) %>%
group_by(county, date) %>%
summarise(totalCases=sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(NewCases= totalCases- lag(totalCases)) %>%
#table: 5 most cumulative cases
mostCasesTbl<- newCases %>%
filter(date==max(date)) %>%
select(county,totalCases) %>%
#make table nicer
knitr::kable(mostCasesTbl, caption= "Total Cases by County", col.names = c("County", "Total Cases"),
format.args = list(big.mark = ","))
County | Total Cases |
Los Angeles | 253,985 |
Riverside | 55,073 |
Orange | 52,121 |
San Bernardino | 50,699 |
San Diego | 42,742 |
# table: 5 counties with most new cases
mostNewCases<- newCases %>%
filter(date==max(date)) %>%
select(county, NewCases) %>%
slice_max(NewCases, n=5)
#make table nicer
knitr::kable(mostNewCases, caption= "New Cases by County", col.names = c("County", "New Cases"),
format.args = list(big.mark = ","))
County | New Cases |
Los Angeles | 809 |
San Diego | 265 |
Orange | 185 |
Fresno | 159 |
San Bernardino | 156 |
#use stateCases data set that is filtered to state.interest
stCases<- covid %>%
filter(state == state.interest) %>%
rename(FIPStxt = fips)
stateCasesPopJoin<-left_join(stCases,popEst,by = "FIPStxt")
#Table1: most cumlative cases per capita
mostCasesPerCapita<- stateCasesPopJoin %>%
group_by(county, POP_ESTIMATE_2019,date) %>%
summarise(totalCases=sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(NewCases= totalCases- lag(totalCases)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(date== max(date)) %>%
mutate(casesPerCapita= totalCases/POP_ESTIMATE_2019) %>%
select(county,casesPerCapita) %>%
slice_max(casesPerCapita, n=5)
#make table nicer
knitr::kable(mostCasesPerCapita, caption= "Top 5 Highest Covid Cases by County Per Capitia", col.names = c("County", "Cases Per Capita"))
County | Cases Per Capita |
Imperial | 0.0622134 |
Kings | 0.0464038 |
Kern | 0.0341423 |
Tulare | 0.0324199 |
Merced | 0.0307584 |
#table 2: most current cases per capita
newCasesPerCapita<- stateCasesPopJoin %>%
group_by(county, POP_ESTIMATE_2019, date) %>%
summarise(totalCases=sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(NewCases= totalCases- lag(totalCases)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(date==max(date)) %>%
mutate(newCasesPerCap = NewCases/POP_ESTIMATE_2019) %>%
select(county, newCasesPerCap) %>%
slice_max(newCasesPerCap, n=5)
#make table nicer
knitr::kable(newCasesPerCapita, caption= "Top 5 Highest New Covid Cases by County Per Capitia", col.names = c("County", "New Cases Per Capita"))
County | New Cases Per Capita |
Kings | 0.0002615 |
San Benito | 0.0002388 |
Monterey | 0.0002027 |
Lake | 0.0001708 |
Fresno | 0.0001591 |
# 14 day data
time.length = 13
twoWeek<- stateCasesPopJoin %>%
filter(date >= max(date)-time.length) %>%
group_by(county,POP_ESTIMATE_2019,date) %>%
summarise(totalcase= sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(lagCases=totalcase-lag(totalcase,time.length)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(CasesPer = 100000*(lagCases/POP_ESTIMATE_2019)) %>%
filter(CasesPer>100) %>%
select(county,CasesPer) %>%
knitr::kable(twoWeek, caption= "CA Counties With More Than 100 New Cases In The Past 14 days, per 100,000 Residents", col.names = c("County", "New Cases Per 100,000 Residents"))
County | New Cases Per 100,000 Residents |
Kings | 494.9653 |
Imperial | 306.2660 |
Glenn | 281.7596 |
Butte | 275.1088 |
Madera | 233.2721 |
Monterey | 233.1470 |
Stanislaus | 229.9059 |
San Benito | 224.4937 |
Tulare | 222.0101 |
Fresno | 211.4901 |
Colusa | 204.2048 |
San Joaquin | 193.0071 |
Merced | 183.3045 |
Sonoma | 182.2647 |
Yuba | 180.5054 |
Sutter | 159.8416 |
Kern | 156.7426 |
San Bernardino | 140.2239 |
Sacramento | 137.3660 |
Calaveras | 135.0615 |
Modoc | 124.4203 |
Contra Costa | 122.4940 |
San Diego | 122.0670 |
Los Angeles | 121.6941 |
San Mateo | 118.4493 |
Ventura | 116.3112 |
Marin | 115.9080 |
Yolo | 114.7392 |
Santa Clara | 114.1166 |
Orange | 112.8258 |
Santa Barbara | 111.7584 |
Santa Cruz | 109.4384 |
Alameda | 107.9381 |
#find total cases
mostCasesTbl1<- newCases %>%
filter(date==max(date)) %>%
select(county,totalCases) %>%
#find total new, last 14 days
twoWeek1<- stateCasesPopJoin %>%
filter(date >= max(date)-time.length) %>%
group_by(county,POP_ESTIMATE_2019,date) %>%
summarise(totalcase= sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(lagCases=totalcase-lag(totalcase,time.length)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(county,lagCases) %>%
filter(lagCases>=0) %>%
summarise(totNewCase= sum(lagCases))
#find the safe counties
twoWeek2<- stateCasesPopJoin %>%
filter(date >= max(date)-time.length) %>%
group_by(county,POP_ESTIMATE_2019,date) %>%
summarise(totalcase= sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(lagCases=totalcase-lag(totalcase,time.length)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(CasesPer = 100000*(lagCases/POP_ESTIMATE_2019)) %>%
filter(CasesPer<100) %>%
select(county,CasesPer) %>%
knitr::kable(twoWeek2, caption= "Safe California Counties", col.names = c("County", "New Cases Per 100,000 People"))
County | New Cases Per 100,000 People |
Alpine | 0.00000 |
Sierra | 0.00000 |
Mono | 6.92329 |
Mariposa | 11.62588 |
Plumas | 15.95151 |
Trinity | 16.28002 |
Del Norte | 21.57342 |
Shasta | 23.32297 |
El Dorado | 34.74329 |
Nevada | 36.08842 |
Lassen | 39.25032 |
Siskiyou | 41.34224 |
Humboldt | 43.52381 |
Tuolumne | 56.90370 |
Solano | 68.80483 |
Placer | 78.57826 |
Tehama | 79.89675 |
San Luis Obispo | 85.12562 |
Riverside | 87.59197 |
Napa | 90.74805 |
Lake | 91.63483 |
San Francisco | 91.65684 |
Inyo | 94.24026 |
Amador | 95.59267 |
Mendocino | 97.98384 |
# 10:Results) Total number of cases in California is 621,981 and the total number of new cases in the past 14 days is 112,474. The total number of safe counties, (<100 new cases per 100,000 ppl) is 13 counties in California.
#create state level daily new and rolling 7 day average
states.of.interest <- c("New York", "California", "Louisiana", "Florida")
stateLvl<- covid %>%
filter(state %in% states.of.interest) %>%
group_by(state,date) %>%
summarise(cases=sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(DailyNewCases = c(NA, diff(cases)),
roll7=rollmean(DailyNewCases,7,fill = NA, align = "right")) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(DailyNewCases,roll7),names_to = "type",values_to="values")
#create ggplot of daily new cases and 7 day average
plot01Lab2<- ggplot(data = stateLvl, aes(x=date, y=values))+
geom_line(aes(col = state))+
labs(x="Date", y="Case Count",
title= "New Daily COVID-19 Case Count and 7 Day Rolling Average",
caption = "Data From NY Times")+
facet_grid(type~state, scales = "free_y")+
ggsave(plot = last_plot(), file= "../img/COVIDPlot.png")
#NY Times style
stateLvls<- covid %>%
filter(state %in% states.of.interest) %>%
group_by(state,date) %>%
summarise(cases=sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(DailyNewCases = c(NA, diff(cases)),
roll7=rollmean(DailyNewCases,7,fill = NA, align = "right"))
#NY Times style ggplot of new daily cases
nyTimes01<- ggplot(data=stateLvls, aes(x = date)) +
geom_col(aes(y = DailyNewCases), col = NA, fill = "#F5B8B5") +
geom_line(aes(y = roll7), col = "darkred", size = 1) +
labs(title = paste("New Daily COVID-19 Case Count and 7 Day Rolling Average", state.interest), x="Date", y= "Case Count") +
ggsave(plot = last_plot(), file= "../img/NYTIIMESCOVIDPlot.png")
#use region data to get common key
region<- data.frame(State = state.abb, state = state.name)
#statelvl1 has roll7, daily new cases, and total cases
stateLv1<- covid %>%
filter(state %in% states.of.interest) %>%
group_by(state,date) %>%
summarise(cases=sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(DailyNewCases = c(NA, diff(cases)),
roll7=rollmean(DailyNewCases,7,fill = NA, align = "right")) %>%
#table join region(aka state abbr) to stateLvl1
stateLvl2<-left_join(stateLv1,region,by = "state")
#clean up population data to match at the stateLvl2, trick with divide by 2 to negate pop double counts
popEst1<- popEst %>%
group_by(State) %>%
summarise(totalPop<- sum(POP_ESTIMATE_2019)/2)
#table join the state_abb covid data to usda population data, now has correct state pop associated with covid cases
#table also has new cases/pop and rolling7 per capita
#recreating facet_grid to show total population
stateLvl3<-left_join(stateLvl2,popEst1,by = "State") %>%
rename(state_pop = "totalPop <- sum(POP_ESTIMATE_2019)/2") %>%
mutate(NewCasesPerCap= DailyNewCases/state_pop) %>%
mutate(roll7PerCap=roll7/state_pop) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(NewCasesPerCap,roll7PerCap),names_to ="type",values_to ="values")
#make adjusted for population plot
stateLvl3plot<- ggplot(data = stateLvl3, aes(x=date,y=values))+
scale_color_manual(values= c("California" = "red", "Florida" = "green",
"Louisiana" = "blue", "New York"= "Cyan3")) +
labs(x="Date", y="Case Count",
title= "New Daily COVID-19 Case Count and 7 Day Rolling Average",subtitle = "Adjusted Per Capita",
caption = "Data From NY Times")+
facet_grid(type~state, scales = "free_y")+
ggsave(plot = last_plot(), file= "../img/COVIDPlotAdjust.png")
#NY Times style
stateLvls3<-left_join(stateLvl2,popEst1,by = "State") %>%
rename(state_pop = "totalPop <- sum(POP_ESTIMATE_2019)/2") %>%
mutate(NewCasesPerCap= DailyNewCases/state_pop) %>%
#NY Times style ggplot per capita
nyTimes02<- ggplot(data=stateLvls3, aes(x = date)) +
geom_col(aes(y = NewCasesPerCap), col = NA, fill = "#F5B8B5") +
geom_line(aes(y = roll7PerCap), col = "darkred", size = 1) +
theme_bw() +
labs(title = paste("New Daily COVID-19 Case Count and 7 Day Rolling Average"),subtitle = "Adjusted Per Capita", x= "Date", y= "Case Count") +
ggsave(plot = last_plot(), file= "../img/NYTIMEScovidPerCap.png")
#read in county spatial data
counties = read_csv("../data/county-centroids.csv")
#Join to COVID-19 Data
#get daily cumulative cases
#find weighted mean
covidSpatial<-inner_join(covid,counties,by = "fips") %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(wmX= sum(LON*cases)/sum(cases),wmY= sum(LAT*cases)/sum(cases),cases=sum(cases)) %>%
#Create weighted mean plot
weightedMeanPlot<- ggplot(data = covidSpatial)+
borders("state",fill="light gray", colour = "light blue")+
geom_point(aes(x=wmX, y=wmY, color= month))+
labs(color= "month",
size = "Cases (1,000,000)",
title = "Weighted Mean Center of COVID-19 Outbreak in the US",
caption = "NY Times Data")+
ggsave(plot = last_plot(), file= "../img/COVIDweightedMean.png")