Question 1
Here we will prepare five tesselated surfaces from CONUS and write a function to plot them in a descriptive way.
#1.1 Get CONUS is equal area
counties <- USAboundaries::us_counties()
states <- USAboundaries::us_states() %>%
filter(!name %in% c("Hawaii", "Alaska", "Puerto Rico")) %>% st_transform(5070) %>%
mutate(id= 1:n())
CONUS<- counties %>%
filter(!state_name %in% c("Hawaii", "Alaska", "Puerto Rico")) %>% st_transform(5070) %>%
mutate(id= 1:n())
#1.2 get county centroids
county_centroid<- CONUS %>%
st_centroid(geoid) %>%
st_union %>%
st_cast("MULTIPOINT") #we use st cast for each one to keep simple topology
#1.3 tesslations Voronoi
voronoi<- county_centroid %>%
st_voronoi() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id= 1:n())
triangulate<- county_centroid %>%
st_triangulate() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id= 1:n())
#grid over county object doesnt have to be the unioned multi point
grid<- CONUS %>%
st_make_grid(n=70) %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id= 1:n())
# hexagonal grid
hex_grid<- CONUS %>%
st_make_grid(n=70, square = FALSE) %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
#1.4 plot tesslations within only CONUS
CONUS_vor<- st_intersection(voronoi, st_union(CONUS))
#plot intersection triangulate
CONUS_tri<- st_intersection(triangulate, st_union(CONUS))
#1.5 simplifications
CONUS_simple<- ms_simplify(CONUS, keep = 0.1)
## [1] 23994
## [1] 51976
#removed 27,982 points allows much faster calculations
#redo croping
CONUS_tri_simple<- st_intersection(triangulate, st_union(CONUS_simple))
CONUS_vor_simple<- st_intersection(voronoi, st_union(CONUS_simple))
#1.6 create a function
###ahh its 5:55 to get the assignment in i cant finish all the specfications :'(
makeGGPlot = function(data, title) {
geom_sf(data = data, fill= "white", col= "navy blue", size= 0.2)+
labs(title= title, caption = paste("Number of features in tessalation", length(data$id)))+
#1.7 plot 5 tesslations with function
#centroid ploit
makeGGPlot(county_centroid, "US Map: Geographical Center of County")
#simplified vornoi plot
makeGGPlot(CONUS_vor_simple, "US Map: Vornoi Polygons of County Centroids")
#simplified triagnulation plot
makeGGPlot(CONUS_tri_simple, "US Map: Vornoi Polygons of County Centroids")
#conus grid
makeGGPlot(grid, "US Map: Square Grid")
#conus hex grid
makeGGPlot(hex_grid, "US Map: Hexagonal Grid")
Question 2
write a function that summarizes our tessalated surfaces
AreaMaker2<- function(data, title){
data %>%
mutate(area= st_area(data) %>%
set_units("km^2") %>%
type = title) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
mutate(mean= mean(area)) %>%
mutate(std= sd(area)) %>%
mutate(totalArea= sum(area))
AreaMaker<- function(data, title){
areas = drop_units(set_units(st_area(data), "km2"))
data.frame(type = title, num = length(areas),
mean = mean(areas), sd = sd(areas), totArea = sum(areas))
#2.2 use function to summarize each tessalation and original counties
# simplified voronoi polyogon
VorSum<- AreaMaker(CONUS_vor_simple,"Voronoi")
# simplified triangulate polygon
TriSum<- AreaMaker(CONUS_vor_simple, "Triangulate")
# grid
GridSum<- AreaMaker(grid,"Grid")
HexSum<- AreaMaker(hex_grid, "Hexagonal")
#original county
CountySum<- AreaMaker(CONUS, "County")
#2.3 Bind Rows
MasterSum<- bind_rows(CountySum<- AreaMaker(CONUS, "County"),
HexSum<- AreaMaker(hex_grid, "Hexagonal"),
GridSum<- AreaMaker(grid,"Grid"),
TriSum<- AreaMaker(CONUS_vor_simple, "Triangulate"),
VorSum<- AreaMaker(CONUS_vor_simple,"Voronoi"))
knitr::kable(MasterSum,caption = "Tesslations and Their Attributes", col.names = c("Map Type", "Number of Features", "Mean Area Per Feature", "Standard Deviation", "Total Area"), format.args = list(big.mark = ","))
Tesslations and Their Attributes
County |
3,108 |
2,521.745 |
3,404.325 |
7,837,583 |
Hexagonal |
2,271 |
3,763.052 |
0.000 |
8,545,891 |
Grid |
3,108 |
2,728.126 |
0.000 |
8,479,014 |
Triangulate |
3,107 |
2,519.725 |
2,887.630 |
7,828,785 |
Voronoi |
3,107 |
2,519.725 |
2,887.630 |
7,828,785 |
#2.5 Comment on the traits of each tessellation. Be specific about how these traits might impact the results of a point-in-polygon analysis in the contexts of the modifiable areal unit problem and with respect computational requirements.
#Given the mean area is larger than the actual county sizes for hex Grid and square grid the this would likely affect the number of cities or county numbers within the tesslation. As shown in lecture if we were to create a map of cities the color grid indicating the number of cities would look different in each type of map. Another problem is the number of counties, the values of observations is not consistent within each feature because the size of the polygons differ
Question 3
#3.1 read in the data, remove na values, set to sf and make it the right proj coord system
damn<- read_excel("../data/NID2019_U.xlsx")
#when taking some that that is alredy in lat lon have to tranform it to crs
dam<- damn %>%
filter(! %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE"), crs = 4326) %>%
#3.2 make a PIP function
point_in_polygon = function(points, polygon, group){
st_join(polygon, points) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
count(get(group)) %>%
setNames(c(group, "n")) %>%
left_join(polygon, by = group) %>%
#3.3 apply the point and polygon function to the damns and surfaces
CONUSDam<- point_in_polygon(dam,CONUS,"id")
GridDam <- point_in_polygon(dam, grid , "id")
#hexagonal grid
HexGridDam<- point_in_polygon(dam, hex_grid , "id")
#simplified vornoi polygons
VornoiDam<- point_in_polygon(dam, CONUS_vor_simple , "id")
#simplified triangulation polygons
TriDam <- point_in_polygon(dam, CONUS_tri_simple , "id")
# 3.4 make a new function that extends your previous plotting function
plot_dam = function(data, title ){
makeGGPlot(data, title)+
scale_fill_viridis_c("Dam Count")+
geom_sf(data= data, aes(fill= n), col= NA, alpha=0.9)+
labs(caption = paste("Number of Dams in tessalation", sum(data$n)))+
#3.5 plot each of the 5 surfaces
CONUSplot<- plot_dam(CONUSDam, "US County Lines Dam Map")
GridPlot<- plot_dam(GridDam, "US Grid Coverage Dam Map")
HexGridPlot<- plot_dam(HexGridDam, "US Hex Grid Coverage Dam Map")
VoronoiPlot<- plot_dam(VornoiDam, "US Vornoi Polygon Dam Map")
TriangulatePlot<- plot_dam(TriDam, "US Triangulation Polygon Dam Map")
#3.6 Comment on the influence of the tessellated surface in the visualization of point counts. How does this related to the MAUP problem. Moving forward you will only use one tessellation, which will you chose and why?
#the surfaces that are more similar to county lines (voronoi and triangulation) look related because they are based on centroids of the county. If I'm interested in the doing analysis based on counties I should choose from one of these three options. The two grid surfaces are do not take into account the size of the county only the dams per area because each grid cell is the same. If I was interested in dams per area, then I would use grid of hexagonal grid. After looking through question for the surface that I think is most fit for this problem is is the county grid because people have a more intuitive understanding with county lines than the other type of surfaces made.
Question 4
#there's no easy way to see what dam serves which purpose. To overcome this we have to separate the concatenated string
#build NID claasifier
abbr<- c("I","H","C","N","S","R","P", "F", "D", "T", "G", "O")
purpose<- c("Irrigation","Hydroelectric","Flood Control", "Navigation", "Water Supply", "Recreation", "Fire Protection", "Fish and Wildlife", "Debris Control", "Tailings", "Grade Stabilization", "Other")
nid_classifier<- data.frame(abbr,purpose)
dam_freq <- strsplit(dam$PURPOSES, split = "") %>%
unlist() %>%
table() %>% %>%
setNames(c("abbr", "count")) %>%
left_join(nid_classifier) %>%
mutate(lab = paste0(purpose, "\n(", abbr, ")"))
#make sure to plot but figure that out later
#4.1 create point in polygon counts for at least 4 of the features above
#make subset for fire protection dams
FireProtection<- dam %>%
mutate(fireProtect= grepl("P", PURPOSES)) %>%
filter(fireProtect== "TRUE")
Hydro<- dam %>%
mutate(Hydro = grepl("H", PURPOSES)) %>%
filter(Hydro== "TRUE")
Recreation<- dam %>%
mutate(Rec= grepl("R", PURPOSES)) %>%
filter(Rec== "TRUE")
Irrigation<- dam %>%
mutate(Irrigation= grepl("I", PURPOSES)) %>%
filter(Irrigation== "TRUE")
#I chose fire protection because as fire frequency may be changing in counties they may not be posstioned well for fire hotspots. I chose hydro because I was curious where hydro electricity is being generated in the US. Recreation, I thought it would be interesting to see how many lakes for "boating" are man made. Irrigation is hugely important and have heard about a lot of US water rights along the colorado and mississippi and wanted to see it visually.
# replot with the new dam feature to get PIP
CONUSFireDam<- point_in_polygon(FireProtection, CONUS, "id") %>%
mutate(CountAvg= mean(n)) %>%
mutate(CountSTD = sd(n)) %>%
mutate(OneSDAway = ifelse(CountSTD+CountAvg< n, "True", "False"))
CONUSHydroDam<- point_in_polygon(Hydro, CONUS, "id")%>%
mutate(CountAvg= mean(n)) %>%
mutate(CountSTD = sd(n))%>%
mutate(OneSDAway = ifelse(CountSTD+CountAvg< n, "True", "False"))
CONUSRecreationDam<- point_in_polygon(Recreation, CONUS, "id")%>%
mutate(CountAvg= mean(n)) %>%
mutate(CountSTD = sd(n))%>%
mutate(OneSDAway = ifelse(CountSTD+CountAvg< n, "True", "False"))
CONUSIrrigation<- point_in_polygon(Irrigation, CONUS, "id")%>%
mutate(CountAvg= mean(n)) %>%
mutate(CountSTD = sd(n))%>%
mutate(OneSDAway = ifelse(CountSTD+CountAvg< n, "True", "False"))
# 4.2 now use plot function from these to plot the counts but only highlight those with 1 sd from mean in the set
FireDamMap<- plot_dam(CONUSFireDam, "US Map of Fire Protection Dams Per County")+
labs(subtitle = "Counties Highlighted are one SD higher than the mean number of dams per county across the US")+
geom_sf(data=CONUS, fill=NA, size=0.1, col= "Navy Blue")
HydroDamMap<- plot_dam(CONUSHydroDam, "US Map of Hydroelectric Dams Per County")+
labs(subtitle = "Counties Highlighted are one SD higher than the mean number of dams per county across the US")+
geom_sf(data=CONUS, fill=NA, size=0.1, col= "Navy Blue")
RecreationDamMap<- plot_dam(CONUSRecreationDam, "US Map of Recreational Dams Per County")+
labs(subtitle = "Counties Highlighted are one SD higher than the mean number of dams per county across the US")+
geom_sf(data=CONUS, fill=NA, size=0.1, col= "Navy Blue")
IrrigationDamMap<- plot_dam(CONUSIrrigation, "US Map of Irrigation Dams Per County")+
labs(subtitle = "Counties Highlighted are one SD higher than the mean number of dams per county across the US")+
geom_sf(data=CONUS, fill=NA, size=0.1, col= "Navy Blue")
#extra credit
MissRiver<- read_sf("../data/majorrivers_0_0") %>%
filter(SYSTEM== "Mississippi")
#find the largest storage dam in each state
#cant find the state name for the dam
LargestDams<- st_filter(dam, states, .predicate = st_within) %>%
filter(HAZARD== "H") %>%
group_by(STATE) %>%
slice_max(NID_STORAGE) %>%
st_transform(4326) %>%
#make leaflet map
leaflet(data = LargestDams) %>%
setView(lng=-100, lat=40.0, zoom = 4) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB) %>%
addCircleMarkers(color = NA ,radius = (LargestDams$NID_STORAGE/1500000), fillColor = "red", fillOpacity = 0.4, popup = leafpop::popupTable(st_drop_geometry( LargestDams[,2:5]), FALSE, row.numbers = FALSE)) %>%
addPolylines(data = MissRiver)