Question 1

First get area of interest, look at 5km buffer around Palo, Iowa.

cities<- read_csv("../data/uscities.csv")
# palo bbox will be the AOI
palo<- cities %>% 
  filter(city== "Palo") %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords= c("lng","lat"), crs =4326) %>% 
  st_transform(5070) %>% 
  st_buffer(5000) %>% 
  st_bbox() %>% 
  st_as_sfc() %>% 

bbwgs<- palo %>% 
bb = st_bbox(bbwgs)

Question 2 get satelite image in correct region

# work done in seperate r script to pull from land sat imagery
# region I want
meta= read_csv(file = "../data/palo_flood.csv")

## [1] ""
#only interested in the first 6 bands
files<- lsat_scene_files(meta$download_url) %>% 
  filter(grepl(paste0("B", 1:6, ".TIF$", collapse = "|"), file)) %>% 
  arrange(file) %>% 

st = sapply(files, lsat_image)

b = stack(st) %>% 
   setNames(c(paste0("band", 1:6)))

#2.3 The dimensions of the stacked image are 7811 rows by 7681 columns, the cell resolution is 30m and the CRS is wgs84(4326)

#want to make sure that AOI is in the same CRS as the raster stack

crop<- bbwgs %>% st_transform(crs(b))

#crop the big raster stack (b) by the crop box we want to get raster of region interested
r<- crop(b,crop)

# question 2.4: dimensions of the extent are 340x346, resolution is 30m and CRS is still WGS84

Question 3

#rename the bands given their values
r<-r %>%  setNames(c("coastal", "Blue","Green", "Red", "Near IR", "Swir1"))

par(mfrow= c(2,2))
#plot 4 combinations of RGB
plotRGB(r, r=4,g=3,b=2)  #natural color
plotRGB(r, r=5, g=4,b=3) #color infared
plotRGB(r, r=5, g=6,b=4) #water focus
plotRGB(r, r=6, g=5,b=2) # seperate ag from water

#3.2 strech the images above

plotRGB(r, r=4,g=3,b=2, stretch= "lin") #natural color
plotRGB(r, r=5, g=4,b=3, stretch= "lin") #color infared
plotRGB(r, r=5, g=6,b=4, stretch= "lin") #water focus
plotRGB(r, r=6, g=5,b=2, stretch= "lin") # seperate ag from water

Question 4

NDVI<- (r$Near.IR-r$Red)/(r$Near.IR+r$Red) #water: <0

NDWI<- (r$Green-r$Near.IR)/(r$Green+r$Near.IR) #water: >0

MNDWI<- (r$Green-r$Swir1)/(r$Green+r$Swir1) #water: >0

WRI<- (r$Green+r$Red)/(r$Near.IR+r$Swir1) #water: >1

SWI<- (1)/(sqrt(r$Blue-r$Near.IR)) #water: <5

rast_index<- stack(NDVI,NDWI,MNDWI,WRI,SWI) %>% 

pallete<- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(256)
plot(rast_index, col=pallete)

# The 5 images are similar in that the water body features are easily distinguishable but for plot NDVI water is blue and all the others water is red. Also the focus of the "square farmland" is highlighted more in some regions that just the natural green. For example in NDVI it does a good job showing the green vegitation which are the 0.4~0.5 values. it looks to be the inverse image of NDWI and if you look at the equation it almost is except replace red with green!

#question 4.2 extract the flood extents

#write a threshold func to seperate the water from land
NDVI_threshold<- function(x){ifelse(x<0,1,0)}

NDWI_MNDWI_threshold<- function(x){ifelse(x>0,1,0)}

WRI_threshold<- function(x){ifelse(x>1,1,0)}

SWI_threshold<- function(x){ifelse(x<5,1,0)}

#make new plots of threshold
NDVI_flood= calc(NDVI,NDVI_threshold) 
  NDVI_flood[] = 0

NDWI_flood= calc(NDWI,NDWI_MNDWI_threshold)
  NDWI_flood[] = 0

MNDWI_flood= calc(MNDWI, NDWI_MNDWI_threshold)
  MNDWI_flood[] = 0
 WRI_flood[] = 0
SWI_flood= calc(SWI,SWI_threshold)
  SWI_flood[] = 0
#stack all the flood layers together
flood_pallete<- colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue"))(2)

flood_stack<- stack(NDVI_flood,NDWI_flood,MNDWI_flood,WRI_flood,SWI_flood) %>%  setNames(c("NDVI Flood", "NDWI Flood", "MNDWI Flood", "WRI Flood", "SWI Flood"))

plot(flood_stack, col= flood_pallete)

Question 5


## [1] 340 346   5
#the dimensions tell me that it is a 340 row by 346 column with 5 different layers. It tells me that the data is extracted in a 5 dimensional matrix that gives values on cell by cell basis for each cell in all 5 dimensions.

flood_stack<-flood_stack %>% 

flood_values<- getValues(flood_stack)

idx= which(! #shows index for every cell that has a value

#kmeans 12
k12<- kmeans(flood_values, 12, iter.max = 100)

# kmeans 6
k6<- kmeans(flood_values,6,iter.max = 100)

k3<- kmeans(flood_values,3, iter.max = 100)

#create new rasters to see how the map changes.
kmeans_raster12 = flood_stack$NDVI.Flood
kmeans_raster6 = flood_stack$NDVI.Flood
kmeans_raster3 = flood_stack$NDVI.Flood

values(kmeans_raster12)= k12$cluster
plot(kmeans_raster12,col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Spectral"))

values(kmeans_raster6)= k6$cluster
plot(kmeans_raster6,col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6, "Spectral"))

values(kmeans_raster3)= k3$cluster
plot(kmeans_raster3,col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Spectral"))

Question 5.3

Build a table to find out what k means groups are water

#build a table and put the values from one of the rasters and with one of the kmeans, since the raster were 1/0 the kmeans should be easy to compare them to.
## class      : RasterLayer 
## dimensions : 340, 346, 117640  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 30, 30  (x, y)
## extent     : 594075, 604455, 4652535, 4662735  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs        : +proj=utm +zone=15 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs 
## source     : memory
## names      : NDVI.Flood 
## values     : 1, 6  (min, max)
table(getValues(NDVI_flood), getValues(kmeans_raster6))
##          1      2      3      4      5      6
##   0     90   1718      0    430      3 108734
##   1      1      0   6659      0      4      1
which.max(getValues(kmeans_raster6))# returns the index of the maximum value in a vector... I am not sure what to do with this but I know that the value that intersects the most is 1
## [1] 1
## [1] 266
#make threshold function
kmeans_threshold<- function(x){ifelse(x==3,1,0)}


flood_stack<- stack(NDVI_flood,NDWI_flood,MNDWI_flood,WRI_flood,SWI_flood, kmean6_flood) %>%  setNames(c("NDVI Flood", "NDWI Flood", "MNDWI Flood", "WRI Flood", "SWI Flood", "Kmeans Flood"))

plot(flood_stack, col=flood_pallete)

Question 6

#to find the flooded area need to find the number of cells than can multiply it by 90m^2
#NDVI flood
NDVIcellCount<-NDVI_flood %>% 

NDWIcellCount<- NDWI_flood %>% 

MNDWIcellCount<- MNDWI_flood %>% 

WRIcellCount<- WRI_flood %>% 

SWIcellCount<- SWI_flood %>% 

KMEANScellCount<- kmean6_flood %>% 

CountTable<- data.frame(NDVIcellCount,NDWIcellCount,MNDWIcellCount,WRIcellCount,SWIcellCount,KMEANScellCount)

knitr::kable(CountTable, caption= "Area M^2^ of each type of raster method", col.names=c("NDVI Area","NDWI Area", "MNDWI Area", "WRI ARea", "SWI Area","Kmeans Area"))
Area M2 of each type of raster method
NDVI Area NDWI Area MNDWI Area WRI ARea SWI Area Kmeans Area
599850 648990 1074240 762120 793170 599310
#summary entire stack to look at how common the value of the cell is

datasum <- calc(flood_stack,sum) 

plot(datasum, col= blues9)

#remove NA
dataSumThresh<- function(x){ifelse(x==0,NA,x)}
datasum1<- calc(datasum,dataSumThresh)

#map the new raster
#why are some cell values not even integers?
#i really have no idea but to me it looks as if a smoothing function was used, (focal) to make the map view continous data when it should be discrete values. This resulted in taking the mean of the values in the region... that is the only reason i can think of.

Extra Credit

#look in Palo, Iowa for this drone image location

#make a point of that raster
#stuck way too late at night couldnt figure out how so I added "flood" to cities csv bc I know those are points

flood<- cities %>% 
  filter(city== "flood") %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords= c("lng","lat"), crs =4326) %>% 
  st_transform(crs = crs(NDVI_flood))

#exrract values from flood_stack

##      NDVI.Flood NDWI.Flood MNDWI.Flood WRI.Flood SWI.Flood Kmeans.Flood
## [1,]          1          1           1         1         1            1
#given that I had a value of 1 for each of them it shows that the all picked up this location

# a way to check will be that my datasum should have a value of 6 at this location
## [1] 6
#which is does showing they all picked up this location!! :)